Dr Vasuki DeLillo is a well-established practitioner with experience in a wide range of dental services having worked in the private sector, rural services and specialist hospital departments including the Westmead Centre for Oral Health. She has extensive post graduate training in Implant Dentistry, Surgery and Cosmetic enhancement, Preventive dentistry for adults and children, Special Needs Dentistry, training in Early interceptive orthodontics, Dental management of Sleep apnoea, Jaw disorders (TMD) and facial pain.
Vasuki’s philosophy is to provide her patients with a ‘look good and feel good smile and mouth’! Cabarita Dental is your local centre for general and multidisciplinary dental services.
Healthy teeth, gums and mouth reflect a healthy body and a well-informed mind. Through her in-depth understanding of medical issues, Vasuki helps her patients approach their dental care through an integrated health management plan with their medical doctors and allied health practitioners. She has harnessed the skills and talents of excellent health professionals to work with her to provide you a sound, integrated service that provides you with a comprehensive approach to your dental and general health and well-being. Her empathy for people enables her to address their fears of dental treatment offering a range of options for anxiety management including oral anxiletics and sedation.
Being a local committed to looking after her local community for the past 23 years, Vasuki is committed to bringing the best of current knowledge in her profession and cutting-edge technology to Cabarita Dental and to her patients. A strong champion for ‘good oral health for all’, Vasuki regularly delivers community oral health education programs to the local community and migrant community groups and has been an invited Dental advisor on community radio programs. She is a member of numerous professional bodies and organisations and devotes frequent and regular time to her own continuing education. Whilst strongly committed to her own professional development, Dr DeLillo is also actively involved in the post graduate training of Dentists as a mentor and tutor for young dental professionals through the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Australian Dental Association. Her long-standing commitment to the profession was recently recognised through the meritorious service award presented to her by the New South Wales branch of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.
Vasuki has great compassion and concern for the less advantaged members of society both here and abroad. She has devoted much of her out of work time over the past 25 years to community aid projects and charitable organisations both in Australia and overseas. Dr DeLillo is a founding member of the Australian Medical Aid Foundation and continues her voluntary work both locally and abroad delivering dental care and helping improve quality of life and living, to the less privileged members of our society. Her experience in Special Needs Dentistry enables Vasuki to be on advisory panels for people with disabilities both locally and in developing countries. In recognition of her services, Vasuki was nominated by her peers and awarded the prestigious title of FICD (Fellow, International College of Dentists) in recognition of her “outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of human kind”. Family and community are an integral part of Vasuki’s life. She blends these whilst enjoying her life in her beloved suburb of Cabarita.
A passion for her profession and a great emphasis on care and concern for her patients enables her to deliver quality Dental care for adults and children providing pain free, healthy teeth and creating beautiful, confident smiles.
Dr DeLillo has obtained the following:
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery (University of Sydney) BDS. Awarded Prize in Community Dentistry in Final year (1991)
- Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons FRACDS 1996
- Fellow of the International College of Dentists
- Member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists
- Member of the Australian Dental Association
- Member of the Australian Society of Implant Dentistry
- Member of the Australian Society of Periodontology
- Member of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
- Treasurer, Inner and Greater Western Suburbs Dental Study Group